


  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: bp-user testimonial issue #3347

    Hi Saad,

    How do you add user as friend on your site. I created a new user and tried to add him as a friend to test the issue but, I was not able to accept my friendship request from other account. Please let me know how can I add friend

    Thank You

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115

    Hi Ada,

    Brajesh sir is away now. He will get back to you soon.

    Thank You

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: bp-user testimonial issue #3345

    Hi Saad,

    Thank you for sharing the details. I am looking into it and will update you at day end

    Thank You

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: bp-user testimonial issue #3337

    Hi Saad,
    Welcome to BuddyDev forums.

    Can you please point me to your site and provide a temporary guest user account? I can quickly check and provide a fix.

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Simple Front End Post Form #3335

    Hi Leo,

    Thank you for confirming. I am glad that i could help

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Simple Front End Post Form #3332

    Hi Leo,

    I have done some modification to the code. Please check it now

    function buudydev_post_form() {
         $settings = array( 
            'post_type' => 'post',
            'post_author' =>  bp_loggedin_user_id(),
            'post_status' => 'publish',
            'tax' => array(
                        'category' => array(
                            'include' => array( 61 ), //category ids
                            'view_type' => 'checkbox',
            'current_user_can_post' => is_user_logged_in(),
            'show_categories' => true,
            'allow_upload' => true
        bp_new_simple_blog_post_form( 'my_custom_form', $settings );
    add_action( 'bp_init', 'buudydev_post_form', 4 );
     //to show form 

    Thank You

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Ravi.
  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: [Resolved] BP Simple Front End Post Form #3331

    Hi Leo,

    Thank You for posting. I am looking into this issue and will update you shortly.

    Thank You

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: Love photos #3310

    Hi Mathew,

    Thank You for posting. Yes, It is doable using wpulike plugin and little amount of code. Please see this post for details.


    Hope that helps.

    Thank You

  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115

    Hi Dandy,

    Thank You for the acknowledgement. Yes in same way we can add friend to particular user.

    function buddydev_add_as_friend_to_user( $user_id ) {
        $friend_userid = 2;  //replace by your user id
        friends_add_friend( $user_id, $friend_userid, true );
    add_action( 'user_register', 'buddydev_add_as_friend_to_user', 0 );

    Thank You

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 6 months ago by Ravi.
  • Keymaster
    Level: Yogi
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 3115
    Ravi on in reply to: [Resolved] MOve subnav tabs #3296

    Hi Saran,

    Here is the the following code to implement your requirement you just need to put this code in your bp-custom.php file

    function buddydev_modify_user_profile_tab() {
        $bp = buddypress();
        bp_core_remove_subnav_item( $bp->settings->slug, 'general' );
        bp_core_new_nav_default(array('parent_slug'=>$bp->settings->slug, 'subnav_slug' => 'notifications', 'screen_function'=> 'bp_settings_screen_notification'));            
        $user_url = bp_loggedin_user_domain();
    	// add 'Change profile picture' sub-menu tab
        bp_core_new_subnav_item( array(
                'name'		=> 'General',
                'slug'		=> 'general',
                'parent_url'	=> trailingslashit( $user_url . $bp->profile->slug ),
                'parent_slug'	=> $bp->profile->slug,
                'screen_function'	=> 'buddydev_screen_profile_general',
                'position'          => 30,
                'user_has_access'   => bp_is_my_profile()
    add_action( 'bp_setup_nav', 'buddydev_modify_user_profile_tab', 100 );
    function buddydev_screen_profile_general() {
        bp_core_load_template( 'members/single/settings/general' );
    function buddydev_profile_general_save() {
    	// Bail if not a POST action.
    	if ( 'POST' !== strtoupper( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) )
    	// Bail if no submit action.
    	if ( ! isset( $_POST['submit'] ) )
    	// Bail if not in settings.
    	if ( ! bp_is_profile_component() && ! bp_is_current_action( 'general' ) )
    	// 404 if there are any additional action variables attached
    	if ( bp_action_variables() ) {
    	// Define local defaults
    	$bp            = buddypress(); // The instance
    	$email_error   = false;        // invalid|blocked|taken|empty|nochange
    	$pass_error    = false;        // invalid|mismatch|empty|nochange
    	$pass_changed  = false;        // true if the user changes their password
    	$email_changed = false;        // true if the user changes their email
    	$feedback_type = 'error';      // success|error
    	$feedback      = array();      // array of strings for feedback.
    	// Nonce check.
    	// Validate the user again for the current password when making a big change.
    	if ( ( is_super_admin() ) || ( !empty( $_POST['pwd'] ) && wp_check_password( $_POST['pwd'], $bp->displayed_user->userdata->user_pass, bp_displayed_user_id() ) ) ) {
    		$update_user = get_userdata( bp_displayed_user_id() );
    		/* Email Change Attempt ******************************************/
    		if ( !empty( $_POST['email'] ) ) {
    			// What is missing from the profile page vs signup -
    			// let's double check the goodies.
    			$user_email     = sanitize_email( esc_html( trim( $_POST['email'] ) ) );
    			$old_user_email = $bp->displayed_user->userdata->user_email;
    			// User is changing email address.
    			if ( $old_user_email != $user_email ) {
    				// Run some tests on the email address.
    				$email_checks = bp_core_validate_email_address( $user_email );
    				if ( true !== $email_checks ) {
    					if ( isset( $email_checks['invalid'] ) ) {
    						$email_error = 'invalid';
    					if ( isset( $email_checks['domain_banned'] ) || isset( $email_checks['domain_not_allowed'] ) ) {
    						$email_error = 'blocked';
    					if ( isset( $email_checks['in_use'] ) ) {
    						$email_error = 'taken';
    				// Store a hash to enable email validation.
    				if ( false === $email_error ) {
    					$hash = wp_hash( $_POST['email'] );
    					$pending_email = array(
    						'hash'     => $hash,
    						'newemail' => $user_email,
    					bp_update_user_meta( bp_displayed_user_id(), 'pending_email_change', $pending_email );
    					$verify_link = bp_displayed_user_domain() . bp_get_settings_slug() . '/?verify_email_change=' . $hash;
    					// Send the verification email.
    					$args = array(
    						'tokens' => array(
    							'displayname'    => bp_core_get_user_displayname( bp_displayed_user_id() ),
    							'old-user.email' => $old_user_email,
    							'user.email'     => $user_email,
    							'verify.url'     => esc_url( $verify_link ),
    					bp_send_email( 'settings-verify-email-change', bp_displayed_user_id(), $args );
    					// We mark that the change has taken place so as to ensure a
    					// success message, even though verification is still required.
    					$_POST['email'] = $update_user->user_email;
    					$email_changed = true;
    			// No change.
    			} else {
    				$email_error = false;
    		// Email address cannot be empty.
    		} else {
    			$email_error = 'empty';
    		/* Password Change Attempt ***************************************/
    		if ( !empty( $_POST['pass1'] ) && !empty( $_POST['pass2'] ) ) {
    			if ( ( $_POST['pass1'] == $_POST['pass2'] ) && !strpos( " " . $_POST['pass1'], "\\" ) ) {
    				// Password change attempt is successful.
    				if ( ( ! empty( $_POST['pwd'] ) && $_POST['pwd'] != $_POST['pass1'] ) || is_super_admin() )  {
    					$update_user->user_pass = $_POST['pass1'];
    					$pass_changed = true;
    				// The new password is the same as the current password.
    				} else {
    					$pass_error = 'same';
    			// Password change attempt was unsuccessful.
    			} else {
    				$pass_error = 'mismatch';
    		// Both password fields were empty.
    		} elseif ( empty( $_POST['pass1'] ) && empty( $_POST['pass2'] ) ) {
    			$pass_error = false;
    		// One of the password boxes was left empty.
    		} elseif ( ( empty( $_POST['pass1'] ) && !empty( $_POST['pass2'] ) ) || ( !empty( $_POST['pass1'] ) && empty( $_POST['pass2'] ) ) ) {
    			$pass_error = 'empty';
    		// The structure of the $update_user object changed in WP 3.3, but
    		// wp_update_user() still expects the old format.
    		if ( isset( $update_user->data ) && is_object( $update_user->data ) ) {
    			$update_user = $update_user->data;
    			$update_user = get_object_vars( $update_user );
    			// Unset the password field to prevent it from emptying out the
    			// user's user_pass field in the database.
    			// @see wp_update_user().
    			if ( false === $pass_changed ) {
    				unset( $update_user['user_pass'] );
    		// Clear cached data, so that the changed settings take effect
    		// on the current page load.
    		if ( ( false === $email_error ) && ( false === $pass_error ) && ( wp_update_user( $update_user ) ) ) {
    			wp_cache_delete( 'bp_core_userdata_' . bp_displayed_user_id(), 'bp' );
    			$bp->displayed_user->userdata = bp_core_get_core_userdata( bp_displayed_user_id() );
    	// Password Error.
    	} else {
    		$pass_error = 'invalid';
    	// Email feedback.
    	switch ( $email_error ) {
    		case 'invalid' :
    			$feedback['email_invalid']  = __( 'That email address is invalid. Check the formatting and try again.', 'buddypress' );
    		case 'blocked' :
    			$feedback['email_blocked']  = __( 'That email address is currently unavailable for use.', 'buddypress' );
    		case 'taken' :
    			$feedback['email_taken']    = __( 'That email address is already taken.', 'buddypress' );
    		case 'empty' :
    			$feedback['email_empty']    = __( 'Email address cannot be empty.', 'buddypress' );
    		case false :
    			// No change.
    	// Password feedback.
    	switch ( $pass_error ) {
    		case 'invalid' :
    			$feedback['pass_error']    = __( 'Your current password is invalid.', 'buddypress' );
    		case 'mismatch' :
    			$feedback['pass_mismatch'] = __( 'The new password fields did not match.', 'buddypress' );
    		case 'empty' :
    			$feedback['pass_empty']    = __( 'One of the password fields was empty.', 'buddypress' );
    		case 'same' :
    			$feedback['pass_same'] 	   = __( 'The new password must be different from the current password.', 'buddypress' );
    		case false :
    			// No change.
    	// No errors so show a simple success message.
    	if ( ( ( false === $email_error ) || ( false == $pass_error ) ) && ( ( true === $pass_changed ) || ( true === $email_changed ) ) ) {
    		$feedback[]    = __( 'Your settings have been saved.', 'buddypress' );
    		$feedback_type = 'success';
    	// Some kind of errors occurred.
    	} elseif ( ( ( false === $email_error ) || ( false === $pass_error ) ) && ( ( false === $pass_changed ) || ( false === $email_changed ) ) ) {
    		if ( bp_is_my_profile() ) {
    			$feedback['nochange'] = __( 'No changes were made to your account.', 'buddypress' );
    		} else {
    			$feedback['nochange'] = __( 'No changes were made to this account.', 'buddypress' );
    	// Set the feedback.
    	bp_core_add_message( implode( "\n", $feedback ), $feedback_type );
    	 * Fires after the general settings have been saved, and before redirect.
    	 * @since 1.5.0
    	do_action( 'buddydev_profile_general_save' );
    	// Redirect to prevent issues with browser back button.
    	bp_core_redirect( trailingslashit( bp_displayed_user_domain() . $bp->profile->slug . '/general' ) );
    add_action( 'bp_actions', 'buddydev_profile_general_save' );

    And also you need to modify “buddypress/bp-templates/bp-legacy/buddypress/members/single/profile.php” and place the following code after line no. 56

    case 'general' :
    		// Display XProfile
    		if (bp_is_my_profile() ) {
                        bp_get_template_part( 'members/single/settings/general' );

    Thank You