Please download and activate the following plugin on your site:
This plugin adds a roles dropdown under Group > Settings page. You can set group associated role here and this role will be used when the user joins this group.
RaviHello Tosin,
Try calling the edit link function in the following way
bblpro_get_post_edit_link( get_the_ID(), array( 'label' => esc_html( 'Edit or Promote This Post' ) ) );
please check.
RaviHello Darren,
Thank you for posting. The ‘BuddyPress Profile Data Moderator’ plugin only targeted moderate data of profile fields. Another plugin “BuddyPress Avatar Moderator, ” is dedicated to only moderate user profile photos. Please have a look here:
RaviHello Tosin,
Please check the following code:
add_filter( 'bblpro_validation_errors', function ( $errors, $data ) { if ( ! class_exists( 'Unique_Title_Checker' ) ) { return $errors; } $title_checker = Unique_Title_Checker::get_instance(); if ( empty( $data['bbl_post_title'] ) ) { return $errors; } $args = array( 'post_title' => sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $data['bbl_post_title'] ) ), 'post_type' => sanitize_text_field( wp_unslash( $data['bbl_post_type'] ) ), ); $validate_data = $title_checker->check_uniqueness( $args ); if ( 'error' == $validate_data['status'] ) { $errors->add( 'bbl_post_title', $validate_data['message'] ); } return $errors; }, 10, 3 );
It works with “Unique Title Checker” By Bernhard Kau
RaviHello John,
Welcome to the BuddyDev forums. Please let me know which plugin you are using i.e. BuddyPress or BuddyBoss. If BuddyPress, Please also let me know the theme you are using.
Ravi- Ravi on September 9, 2022 at 5:08 pm in reply to: [Resolved] remove settings from nav tab only #46422
Hello Carsten,
Thank you for the acknowledgement. Please try the following CSS rule:
.users-nav #settings-personal-li { display: none; }
Please try it and let me know if it helps or not.
Ravi - Ravi on September 9, 2022 at 1:28 pm in reply to: [Resolved] Fatal Error when updating to newest BuddyPress version 10.4.0 #46420
Hello Daniel,
Thank you for the acknowledgement. The ‘debug.php’ file is a file WordPress generates when any kind of error occurs on the site. This file can be located under the ‘wp-content’ directory. Please look at the following URL:
Please look at the following constant to enable debugging.
// Enable WP_DEBUG mode define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); // Enable Debug logging to the /wp-content/debug.log file define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
Please give it a try.
Ravi - Ravi on September 9, 2022 at 1:22 pm in reply to: [Resolved] remove settings from nav tab only #46419
Hello Carsten,
Thank you for posting. If you want to keep the functionality then a better way to remove the settings tab is to hide this tab using the CSS rule. If you are okay with this approach. Please let me know which template pack you are using.
Ravi - Ravi on September 9, 2022 at 6:55 am in reply to: Pay Per Post co-relation with the BuddyBlog Pro #46413
Hello Cristi,
I have checked the plugin with BuddyBlog Pro and the Pay Per Post plugin and it is working fine for me means Post media gets deleted once the post deletes permanently. Please try after deactivating all other plugins, temporarily switch to the default theme, and then give it a try. There might be a chance some other plugin might conflict with the functionality. Also, let me know if you are dealing with default Post Type or any custom post type.
Ravi - Ravi on August 29, 2022 at 5:02 pm in reply to: [Resolved] Pay Per Post by selling access with WooCommerce #46215
Hello Tosin,
Please update the plugin to ‘1.0.1’ and Give it a try.