


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24741

    Marking resolved as per emails.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24741

    Mailed you. please check.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24741

    Hi Hans,
    Thanks for opening the topic. And yes, you read that right, It will be easy to make it work with any plugin. I was planning to show some examples for woocommerce/easy digital download but then stopped.

    Please send me the details and I will post code 🙂

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24741

    Btw, For shortcodes, the equivalent hook is


    instead of


    The ‘mpp_before_media_item’ is used on single gallery loop. For widgets, in the same way the hooks are


    Hope that helps.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24741

    Hi Johan,
    Thank you.

    I will post the code with explanations then. Also, if you need any help doing a custom Media Query, please do let me know. It is very simple(just like WP_Query)

    1. To get the uploader user id inside the loop, we can use the following function

    $user_id = mpp_get_media_creator_id();//get the id of user who uploaded this media

    If you are not inside the loop, you can pass media id or object to that function like

    $media_id = 32;
    $user_id = mpp_get_media_creator_id( $media_id );//accepts id or MPP_Media object or attachment post object 

    So, we are done with the user id part.

    2. In BuddyPress, there are multiple ways to link to user.

    Easiest way is to use

    bp_core_get_userlink( $user_id )

    That gives a link to the user profile with his/her Name linked

    so, we can use it like this

    echo bp_core_get_userlink( mpp_get_media_creator_id() );

    If you are interested in linking to the username instead( Using username as the link label instead of the full name), we will need 2 functions, one for getting url of the user and another to get the username. Those are easy and there are again multiple way

    $url = bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id );//will return a ulr like http://site.com/members/xyz/
    $username = bp_core_get_username( $user_id );// returns username e.g 'admin', 'sbrajesh' etc

    So, we can build a link with them like this

    <a href="<?php echo bp_core_get_user_domain( $user_id );?>"><?php echo bp_core_get_username( $user_id );?></a>

    That will give us a link to the username if we decide to choose this method. we can write it inside a function and pass the user id to get the link

    Now, the last part is to display the link in the media loop

    Here, you will need to decide whether you are going to use the shortcode or creating a custom loop yourself.

    If you are using a shortcode, we can hook to action ‘mpp_after_media_item’ and echo the user link. If you are using the custom query, you can list the username where you want.

    Here is an example using the hook

    add_action( 'mpp_after_media_item', 'mpp_custom_add_user_link' );
    function mpp_custom_add_user_link() {
    	//you may put some conditions here like
           //to avoid showing it on single gallery/media pages
    	$user_link = bp_core_get_userlink( mpp_get_media_creator_id() );
    	echo $user_link;

    Though it is possible to filter title of media using the hook ‘mpp_get_media_title’, title is not always displayed( you might have already noticed it for photos, also, titles are linked and putting a link inside link will generate invalid html ). You can put some text though.

    Another action that might interest you is ‘mpp_before_media_item’, it is same as ‘mpp_after_media_item’ except that it is called before showing the media content.

    Hope that helps.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24741
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: Localization of site wide activity plugin? #1087

    That will be my mistake. I missed updating the widget UI while concentrating on the list display.

    Thank you for letting me know, will need to update it again today.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24741
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: [Resolved] Language files not "taking" #1086

    Hi Jan,
    Thank you for updating. You are right the old po file was not updated. Will do an update and push today.

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24741
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: Ajax Registration plugin #1085

    Thank you John.
    Will be testing and getting back to you in next couple of hours.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24741

    Hi Johan,
    Welcome to BuddyDev forums and thank you for using MediaPress.

    That will be very easy( 3-5 lines of code at most ) but I need to understand the rationale correctly.

    When a user is seeing a gallery, they already know whose gallery they are seeing, isn’t that correct? So, can you please explain me the need. If it is just for vanity, I will avoid as each time we link to username, it will be a few extra calls.

    Please let me know and I will post the code.

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24741
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: [Resolved] Language files not "taking" #1079

    Hi Jan,
    No problem.
    Is it working now? Should we mark this topic close then?