Strangely it still does not work, I cleared the cache but I still get that Cache error
[bp-gallery show=”media” owner_type=”user” orderby=”date” type=”photo” max=”10″ ]
This was the shortcode I entered
I took a quick look at Group Extras and the page creation aspect is not ideal, it does not allow you to embed pictures of videos.
No I didn’t, I found some information on creating an additional tab but that seemed pretty complex and did not provide me with the admin editable page.
How about if I manually set up the page using BP Group Extra’s and make sure the slug is the same for all groups. It’s not ideal but could we pull it’s content into the front.php output?
My next ask is more complicated I think. What is the best way of creating a new Tab in each group called Info, which is effectively a post, where they can put text, photo’s, video links etc, to give the group a significant additional information page?
I’d ideally like the group admins to fill-out the basics of this page during group creation but for now I’d be happy with just the tad and editable page.
Do you have any ideas? Group extras would allow group admins to create a new page but I’d like every group to have the same page tab name and make it a universal aspect of all groups with the Admin only having the option to fill it with info or leave it blank.
I’ll do some googling to see if there are other solutions.
Hi Brajesh, yes that works Thanks!
This is my latest code
* Topics Loop
* @package bbPress
* @subpackage Theme
<?php do_action( 'bbp_template_before_topics_loop' ); ?>
<?php if ( bbp_has_topics() ) : ?>
<ul id="bbp-forum-<?php bbp_forum_id(); ?>" class="bbp-topics">
<?php if( ! empty( $forum_id) && bbp_has_topics( array( 'post_parent' => $forum_id ) ) ) :?>
<li class="bbp-header">
<ul class="forum-titles">
<li class="bbp-topic-title"><?php _e( 'Topic', 'bbpress' ); ?>
<li class="bbp-topic-voice-count"><?php _e( 'Voices', 'bbpress' ); ?>
<li class="bbp-topic-reply-count"><?php bbp_show_lead_topic() ? _e( 'Replies', 'bbpress' ) : _e( 'Posts', 'bbpress' ); ?>
<li class="bbp-topic-freshness"><?php _e( 'Freshness', 'bbpress' ); ?><li class="bbp-body">
<?php while ( bbp_topics() ) : bbp_the_topic(); ?>
<?php bbp_get_template_part( 'loop', 'single-topic' ); ?>
<?php endwhile; ?>
<li class="bbp-footer">
<div class="tr">
<span class="td colspan<?php echo ( bbp_is_user_home() && ( bbp_is_favorites() || bbp_is_subscriptions() ) ) ? '5' : '4'; ?>"> </span>
</div><!-- .tr --><!-- #bbp-forum-<?php bbp_forum_id(); ?> -->
<?php do_action( 'bbp_template_after_topics_loop' ); ?>
<?php bp_get_template_part( 'activity/activity-loop' ) ?>
<?php endif;?>
<?php endif;?>
“Are you using my previous code to get the $forum_id before using the above snippet. If not, then that’s why It is happening.”
I did have it before but I switched it to after and I still get a blank page
I revert back to the previous working code and I’m getting some odd behaviour on wider testing, it seems the topic list is showing all topics for all forums. Previously I only had one group with a forum and a couple of test topics, so the topic list showed correctly. However now that I’ve set up a second group with a forum and test topic I can see that I am seeing all topics for both forums in the forum topic list on the group homepage.
There must be an error in that code as I’m getting nothing displayed now, not even an error