
BuddyDev Blog

BuddyPress Friends Only User Profile Privacy

Making your BuddyPress user profiles friends only is easy. I have seen a lot of people asking about it and today, we will see how to do it. Our goal is to restrict access to user profiles to everyone except:- Self:- The user themselves should be allowed to access their profile. Site Admins:- There should …

Using BuddyPress Member Types as Profile Field Visibility Levels

Recently, I was asked about using BuddyPress Member Types as profile field visibility level. It seemed like a good question to me and I am going to share the code to make it work. Before we start, The goal of visibility is to set the visibility of the profile field data for other users not …

Restrict allowed file types for BuddyPress Avatar and Cover Images

BuddyPress allows your users to use "jpeg", "gif", "png" file types for avatars and cover images.  If you need to restrict or change the allowed file types, there exists a filter  "bp_attachments_get_allowed_types" that allows us to do it. Let us see some examples on how to restrict the allowed file types for avatars as well as …

Create Dynamic User Profile Tabs for BuddyPress

If you are using BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro, It allows you to create unlimited profile tabs/sub tabs for a BuddyPress user. It works well for most of the cases. You can create any type of content, use shortcodes and do a lot of things. There is one case that our members have been …

Expirable Featured Membership for BuddyPress

If you are using BuddyPress Featured Members plugin and need to expire/remove the users based on time, This post might help you. One of our Members(Thank you Herve), asked about it in our forums a few week ago. @ravisharma put a tiny plugin to do it. The plugin is available from github. Link:- https://github.com/buddydev/bp-featured-member-expirable-membership By default, It …

BuddyPress User Circles – Let users create lists of users

BuddyCircles:- The BuddyPress User Circles plugin enables users on BuddyPress sites to create lists of users. These lists are termed as circles of users. A user can create one or more circles(or lists). If you are a site admin who needs to allow users to create lists of other users, BuddyCircles will help you. Features:- …

MediaPress 1.4.0 and support for Remote Media

Today, we are releasing MediaPress 1.4.0 with the support for adding remote media. MediaPress – Your preferred BuddyPress Media and gallery solution has got the new wings now. The new version allows now to add videos from YouTube/Facebook etc. to your BuddyPress Activity and BuddyPress User/Group galleries.  It also allows you to add media using …

Remove This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin vx.y.z

Yesterday, while looking at one of my site's generated source, I found this string This site is optimized with the Yoast SEO plugin v7.5.1 – https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/ That was very interesting as I do not remember allowing any plugin to add a love letter to my html source. I thought WordPress.org hosted plugins had no source …

Add Extra BuddyPress Profile fields with BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types plugin

Are you missing the BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Fields Type plugin? In case you do, we present you BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types plugin. Note that 's' is placed at different places. Formally, BuddyPress Xprofile Custom Field Types adds some essential profile field types to BuddyPress. The new BuddyPress custom profile fields allows you to provide …