Tagged: Buddyblog Pro, css, layout
Hello brajesh
First of all thanks for the new awesome plugin I just watched the demo and im in love now I can finally ditch the buddypress user blog plugin https://www.buddyboss.com/product/buddypress-user-blog/
Here are my suggestions
1. Suggestion for a woocommerce addon since woocommerce supports extensive payment gateways i.e ability for users to pay to pay to publish posts. there should be option to charge for publishing 3 types of posts
a. option to charge to pay for free and open blog posts
b. option to charge for sponsored posts/featured – this post would have a time duration to remain featured something similar to featured ads in a classified site.
c. option to charge users to pay for anonymous post – this feature would require assigning a anonymous user a the author of all anonymous posts published.Sponsored posts would have a woocommerce product called (sponsored post) assigned to it and a buddyblog form created for sponsored posts, this product needs to be purchased in order for users to have access to the sponsored post form. After post is published access to the sponsored post form is denied until user repurchases again.
Anonymous posts would have a woocommerce product called (anonymous post) assigned to it and a buddyblog form created for anonymous posts, this product needs to be purchased in order for users to have access to the anonymous post form. After post is published access to the anonymous post form is denied until user repurchases again.
The woocommerce addon would be similar to this https://wp-eventmanager.com/product/wp-event-manager-woocommerce-paid-listings/ or https://wpadverts.com/extensions/woocommerce-integration/
2. I would really like the option to make the whole publishing experience on a standalone page similar to medium.com and not in the profile tabs of users. for example your branded login plugin has option to assign pages. This would enable users to have a fresh and clean publishing experience.
3. Ability to force users to select a post category before posts can be published. with option to select only one post category with dropdown select field and disable multiple categories selection.
4. unique Shortcode to display each post form created
5. Ability to display a custom message encouraging users to share their published post immediately after submission since there are social share plugins like social warfare
Can all posts published by all users be listed in the site’s main blog?
Hi Tosin,
Thank you for the great suggestions. I sincerely appreciate it.1. Great suggestion. We will love to have it soon. Our current goal is to provide better validation options for site admins and more field type. We will do this one after that. It will be available within 30 days.
2. Thank you. We are considering it for future. Currently, we wanted to tie it to user account but we do plan to release an upadte which will work even without BuddyPress too. We will explore if we can put the shortcode quickly or will it take some time. I will let you know by Monday.
3. You can set a default category and exclude/include certain terms currently. And yes, Only one post category as well as allowing users to create category from front end is on our immediate roadmap.
4. Same as 2.
5. Sure. At the moment, you can use translation for it. We can add it as a setting for controlling the success message in future.
Can all posts published by all users be listed in the site’s main blog?
yes, you can. Just uncheck the “show single post on profile” and make sure you are using the Posts post type for it.
Brajesh1. Can word counter be added with feature for min and max words required to be published. This can be very useful in controlling spam or irrelevant content like 2 or 4 sentence write ups.
See screenshot for details2. Option to enable only VISUAL EDITOR and not the full RICH TEXT EDITOR
- This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
- This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by
Hi Tosin,
Thank you.1. Validations are coming next week. I am releasing an update todat/tomorrow to add compatibility with a few more themes.
For validations, I am hoping to add the option by words/characters both. Next target is more field type.2. I am sorry, do you want to disable the “Text” option in the visual editor?
BrajeshWhile using your buddypress moderation plugin would it be possible to add a settings option in the buddyblog plugin to disable moderation. for example
settings option to disable moderation in the [sponsored_post_creation_form], since users will be paying for sponsored posts it is quite reasonable not to moderate sponsored posts.
Hi Tosin,
Thank you.I think that adding an option for disabling “text” view in tinymce will confuse a lot of users. Should we use a filter instead?
Currently, you can select simple text area of the visual editor.About Moderation:-
The plugin allows you to exclude by post types. Also, if needed, there are enough hooks in moderation tools to allow us excluding specific posts too.Regards
Brajesh1. A filter will be ok
2. To be more specific if im going to exclude posts by using a filter then the filter should only apply to all posts submitted through the [sponsored_post_creation_form]. That is the moderation plugin filter would work for the buddyblog plugin.
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