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    Cheryl on #51677
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    Cheryl on #51676
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    Cheryl on #51622

    Thank you…that worked. A regular logged in user can now upload to the gallery and, if you click on the image it opens in a lightbox and then clicking on that opens the gallery.

    The lightbox appeared messed up in an incognito window, but it was loading fine in Firefox — but the incognito window also seemed to have other css issues, so I think that’s a separate issue.

    Seems to be working as desired now.

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    Cheryl on #51567


    I installed and enabled the global shared gallery addon. I went to the gallery, found the metabox that the plugin added and enabled it. I made sure the user role had media upload permission.

    I used the following shortcode:
    [mpp-show-gallery id=80592 lightbox=1 component=sitewide]
    [mpp-uploader gallery_id=80592 component=”sitewide” type=”photo”]

    But when logged in as a standard user, I am still getting “Sorry you are not allowed to upload here.”

    Anything else to check?

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    Cheryl on #51510

    What I am trying to accomplish here is creating a sitewide gallery on a particular subject where any logged-in user can upload. Ideally, if you click on the image in the lightbox, it would show that image.

    I have the moderation plugin enabled as well so I can moderate upload images.

    If I have component=members enabled then I see the photo in my user gallery. If I have component=sitewide enabled, I end up on my profile if I click the menu.

    However, if I log in as a subscriber the upload form is not available and I get the message, “I’m sorry you are not allowed to upload here” or some such thing.

    I noted a post with a link to a plugin here:

    To enable user uploads for a gallery. Is this still necessary and should I install it to be able to do this?


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    Cheryl on #51438


    Thanks for the response.
    I already had the gallery in question set specifically to sitewide in the shortcode and had lightbox enabled for everything.

    But from the sitewide gallery lightbox, clicking on the image in the lightbox lands you on the member gallery page and not with the image clicked on visible.

    Any way to get clicking on the lightbox to open the image attachment or that specific image in the profile? If not, that’s OK I guess, it’s just confusing.

  • Participant
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    Cheryl on #50912

    Thank you!
    Worked great and I changed it to do the same for galleries.
    Again, thanks!!!