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    Richard Foley on in reply to: [Resolved] Thumbnail size in activity feed #13238

    hi Brajesh,

    I’m happy with the settings, I’m just not happy with what they do, or maybe I misunderstand something. Let’s take an example, I have a portrait image of 400×800.

    With a setting of thumbnail = 200x200 and no to crop, I’d expect it to be cropped but only to the longest length [eg.1], so I would get 100×200. Or if cropped to the shortest length [eg.2], then 200×400. If no crop means no crop at all [eg.3] then 400×800.

    With a setting of thumbnail = 200x200 and yes to crop, I’d expect it to be cropped hard [eg.4] to 200×200

    Does this make my issue clearer?


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    I think that wording is the standard from WordPress for the Posts/Blogs page.

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    Richard Foley on in reply to: [Resolved] Thumbnail size in activity feed #13232

    Ah, no the crop is literal and hard crops to a square 200×200 image. Hmm, maybe it would make sense here to have an additional checkbox option:

    crop to literal size or crop to maximum size per width/height

    If you follow what I mean?

  • Participant
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    Richard Foley on in reply to: [Resolved] Thumbnail size in activity feed #13231

    aha (slaps head), I see the crop setting now!

    Probably a silly question, but I’m presuming this will crop to maximum sizes on width and/or height, and not simply crop square to the size specified? If so, perhaps the tooltip could be improved, *something* like:

    Media Thumbnail size. If crop is enabled, photo will be cropped to the size. to

    Media Thumbnail size. If crop is enabled, photo will be cropped to the maximum sizes.

    One more question related to this. I expect this to function on upload. Existing images will need to be recropped via ImageMagick resize or somesuch?


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    hi Brajesh,

    I hear you but no, I’m not using any custom template for the blog/posts at all. I simply pointed the install to the /posts page:

    You are currently editing the page that shows your latest posts.

    Nothing else going on, so far as I can see.


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    hi Brajesh,

    btw. you’re more than welcome to create an account on the site and see for yourself how it works, or doesn’t.


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    hi Brajesh,

    there has been some feedback from site users, and I’m posting this here as a sample, so you can see what they’re saying:

    <quote>Seeing Spider & Born Naked’s comments, I went testing; For my own galleries I get the lightbox if I click on a gallery cover picture or if, having clicked on the gallery name and thereby entered the gallery, if I click on a thumbnail within one of my galleries. However, I never get the lightbox anywhere else. I tested clicking on a friend’s gallery cover-picture, on the gallery name underneath or the word ‘view’ below that and all 3 have the same effect – I’m taken into the gallery (a page of thumbnails). If I click on any of those thumbnails then I am taken to a page headed by the picture owner’s details and a large version of the picture with a big blue ‘Report’ button underneath – the same as happens clicking on any picture that appears on the ‘Home’ page. So what is the difference between the code executed when I click on one of my own thumbnails compared to someone else’s – could the fault lie in the implementation of privacy rules? I have just tried your ‘test’ page – no lightbox for me!
    Just a final note – the picture size in the lightbox is a little disappointing, after all, isn’t the whole idea of it to get a clearer (larger) view of the picture?</quote>

    HTH. and looking forward to striking this one off the list…


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    yes, the user can definitely view the media on the gallery page. When they click the image/link they are sent to the correct gallery page with the single media displayed. ‘As if’ the lightbox were switched off.

  • Participant
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    Richard Foley on in reply to: My Gallery/Galleries/Album/s title/label #13144

    You can’t translate from EN to EN. Only from en -> de (or something else). At least, I think that’s how it works…