


  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24733
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: BP Gallery Importer? #916

    The current version of BP Gallery is compatible with BuddyPress 2.3. It seems you are on an older release.

    Thank you for letting me know about the data. We don’t need to move them, so not a big deal, I guess there have been some good number of activities. Will keep that in mind while writing the importer.

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24733
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: BP Gallery Importer? #914

    Hi Duncan,
    Welcome back to BuddyDev forums 🙂

    BP Gallery importer is coming. MediaPress is still evolving and not stable enough from API point of views, lot of things are being added, so please wait a little more for the importer.

    I have been thinking about the BP Gallery importing from the beginning and my concern is the gallery activity importing and relating to their respective items.

    What is the size of your community? Is it huge or moderate size? Knowing will help me in the strategy to implement the importer.

    Also, I have disabled cache for logged in members now, should hopefully fix the issue. Thank you for noticing and reporting.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24733
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: [Resolved] Lightbox not loading… #912

    Hi Nauti,
    Thank you.
    I will look at the Nextgen integration.

    My email is brajesh@buddydev.com . Please do drop me a mail there is you find anything.

    I was looking for foobox javascript API. If we can see that, It will be super easy to do it. Lighbox2 support is easier to add as their JS API is available.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24733

    Thank you. Just completed writing the code. Any suggestion for name before I push it on github? I am not sure what should I say it.

    Here is what I have done.
    1. Created a visibility level. The visibility level is visible to admin on the edit profile page. A user can not see this visibility level (in the radio list) and any fields with this visibility will not be visible on the register/edit profile page for the user. On all other pages, they will be visible.

    The benefit of using Visibility level is that any field can be marked with this.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24733
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: [Resolved] Mediapress – Adding new gallery #906

    Your theme has height property set on input fields causing this issue. Since we are using box-sizing:border-box; the field is not able to expand.

    There are two solutions, you can set height:auto; for these fields or change the box-sizing: content-box; Both will do it but I recommend the first.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24733
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: Error with user dasboad Gallery view #903

    Hi George,
    Is there any code in your bp-custom.php or themes functions.php that is causing it. I am sorry for all these inconvenience. I am not able to reproduce it, so looking for clues here.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24733
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: [Resolved] Lightbox not loading… #900

    Just wanted to update. I managed to get it half working.
    here is a screenshot

    The problem I see is there is no documentation on how 3rd party plugins can enable support( add some custom data attributes etc).

    I was able to get it working for single images on agllery, but it is throwing the errors you see at the bottom. Also, I could not get it to work as gallery mode.

    Their js code is minified and I am not able to find much documentation. If you have used this plugin, can you please point me to some documentation that allows 3rd party plugins to enable support for foobox, also enable the gallery mode.

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24733
    Brajesh Singh on in reply to: [Resolved] Lightbox not loading… #898

    Currently, foo box will not pick images automatically. Please give me till evening today and we will have it enabled with foo box.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24733

    Hi Nauti,
    Thank you. I appreciate the generosity.

    You are already helping by reporting bug, suggesting features. It all helps. Please keep the ideas coming and do let me know if you find any bug or anything that can help us make it better 🙂

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24733

    Hi George, Nauti,
    Thank you for the suggestions.

    1. All the photos/videos are available in the WordPress Media screen, so yes, you can insert them in posts if you want too. I need some suggestions here, should we add a tab on the media model and filter out all MediaPress media files there, so when inserting from admin a user knows he/she is using MediaPress files.

    Shortcode is available
    [mpp-show-galler id=”some gallery id” view=”some view”] where view is optional and can be any registered view. By default, MediaPress comes with 3 views(grid is default, list(for all media type) or playlist(only for audio video))

    There are other generic shortcodes too( [mpp-media] that will allow including all media types not just from a given gallery.

    I am almost working on a shortcode UI to allow you directly inserting it from edit screen( It may have to wait for phase 2 though)

    I have tested a few sliders view and I am happy to report that they work for shortcodes/single gallery/activity attached media. I do plan to release a few soon( atleast after 8-10 days from now). Before that , I just want to concentrate on the platform.

    The good news is, A developer can register any new type of view for any specific gallery/section. I added that API last week and It is easy. So yes, There will be views( slides,accordion, grid, justified grid) and a lot of them.

    I am also planning to post a tutorial, to enable other create views for various galleries etc.


    Thank you for the suggestions.
    MediaPress is not hard coded for any specific lightbox. I am not a fan of including the lightbox with MediaPress( because I believe why not use the existing one just like you). I have added the lightbox in a manner that you can disable loading it.

    I am going to add support for atleast 15 most popular WordPress lightbox( It will be just 5-10 lines of code for each) solutions.

    Justified grid has been on my list, the only reason I haven’t yet supported it is we have almost square images and we need to give site admins the flexibility to choose the size first( A programmer can do it right now by using mpp_register_media_size() ), once we allow site admins, then justified gallery will be a good things to support. Otherwise, if all images are of same size, justified gallery support is not going to make much sense.

    Please do keep the ideas coming 🙂