
Allow your users to change their Profile page background using BP Custom Background For User Profile Plugin

Here is another plugin to spiceup your BuddyPress Based Social Network. I created this plugin a couple of days ago when I saw @findly.tk's request on BuddyPress.org forum. The plugin BP Custom Background For User Profile allows your users to set their own custom background image for their profile pages. It allows them to upload …

Introducing BuddyPress Message Privacy Plugin

Ever wished to give your users the control of private messages. Have you wondered how facebook and other social networks allow users to have fine grained control over who can send the message ? Want to give your Users full control over their private message. Well, Here I am presenting you the BuddyPress Message Privacy …

Introducing BuddyPress Facebook Connect+: Advance Facebook login/registration Plugin for your BuddyPress based Social Network

Last week went into almost inactivity. I kept fighting with myself, and introspecting about the productivity issues I have been facing recently. Anyway, In the end, I just committed myself to be more active in future. The past is gone, and I am concentrating on future now. So, here I present you the most advanced …

Introducing BuddyPress Live Notification Plugin: A facebook like notification plugin for BuddyPress

BuddyPress Live Notification plugins adds a facebook like notification system for your BuddyPress based social network. It shows the new notifications to the user in real time just like facebook does. It is exactly same as facebook notification you are familiar with. So, Here I present the same for you to use on your very …