Tagged: CPT, custom post type
Hi Bruno,
hope you are doing well.I will like to share a beta version of the plugin with you. It still needs polishing before public release(specially template styling) but the plugin is almost ready.
you can try it and see if it works for you or not?? Please share me an email where I can share via google drive.
BrajeshHi Bruno,
Thank you.I have shared the beta 1 now.
The following will not work currently
1. Drafts
2. “image” and “file” custom field types.I will be updating them again soon.
Here are the list of things remaining
1. Implementing Workflow(draft/review) and notifications
2. Providing better template layout(The plugin has functionality to ship with multiple template packs, I will be providing some css in next release).Thank you
BrajeshHello Brajesh,
I’m excited to see how you design it.
I just started to define one CPT to use with buddyblog and get one error while creating a new form.Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to undefined function BuddyBlog_Pro\Admin\bblpro_print_core_fields_table() in …/plugins/buddyblog-pro/src/admin/class-form-admin.php:580 Stack trace: #0 …/wp-admin/includes/template.php(1345): BuddyBlog_Pro\Admin\Form_Admin_Helper->post_fields_meta_box(Object(WP_Post), Array) #1 /…/wp-admin/edit-form-advanced.php(700): do_meta_boxes(Object(WP_Screen), ‘advanced’, Object(WP_Post)) #2 …/wp-admin/post-new.php(75): require(‘/homepages/28/d…’) #3 {main} thrown in …/wp-content/plugins/buddyblog-pro/src/admin/class-form-admin.php on line 580
How can I send a screenhot to you ?
If you want I could give you some credentials as admin to check the config.
Let me know.
Bruno- This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Bruno Verrier.
Hi Bruno,
Thank you for the reply.
Please share the screenshot here or share credentials in private. I will check quickly.
BrajeshPlease check now. There was a typo on my end while preparing for the release. Have fixed on the server.
BrajeshThe CPT is listed in wp-admin-bar-my-account but goes to a 404 page and I can’t see the form.
It seems that the tabs are not created (or at least displayed) in buddypress profile.
I let you see it.
Next move tomorrow for me.Regards.
Bruno- This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Bruno Verrier.
Hi Bruno,
After Creating the form, Please visit settings and enable that post type and specify permissions for the tabs and sub tabs.That should do it.
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