

Buddyblog fork questions : custom post type

  • Participant
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    Bruno Verrier on #31356

    Hello Barjesh,
    It’s what I’ve done (I think).
    But it still does not appear.
    May be I do something wrong or don’t understand.

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    Bruno Verrier on #31357


    Few general questions:

    1 – do I have to remove Buddyblog to use Buddyblog pro?
    2 – does the pro version create the tab without BuddyPress Group Tabs Creator Pro?
    3 – Is it possible to use both taxonomies (categores & tags) in forms? and how?
    4 – Is the Buddyblog form builder a tool that replaces basic ACF functionnality (ie can create custom fields attached to that post type and fields that can be used for queries outside Buddyblog)?

    Some improvments ideas:

    1 Attach a non mandatory text field for each form field to specify some instructions to the user.
    eg ‘fill in with numbers only without space’ or ‘separate each term with a comma’

    2 More complex dev, ability to specify media types to upload and number (quantity) and size.
    eg : 3 jpeg max with 2 MB max each.
    Type = ‘jpeg,png,pdf,docx’
    Size = ‘2048’ max
    Number = ‘3’

    3 Add a special checkbox ‘Post author’ while assigning rights. This case gives the specified ability to the post author whaterver its user role is. eg post author can modify or delete or publish its drafts or visible only to post author.

    Thank you very much

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24339
    Brajesh Singh on #31362

    Hi Bruno,
    Thank you for the reply and the questions.

    1. yes, please disable/remove BuddyBlog. If you are not using Blog Categories for groups, you can disable BP Simple front end post plugin too.

    2. Yes. The pro plugin does not have any dependency on any plugin.

    3. Yes. You can use any many taxonomies as you want. In order to use a taxonomy, please make sure that the taxonomy supports your post type.

    Once you save the form after selecting a post type, the option for taxonomies will appear(It will let you enable one or more taxonomies which are supported by the selected post type).

    4. We do not plan to support it outside the BuddyBlog context. I believe ACF is a matured and advance plugin and we have no intention to do anything like. We do believe that for BuddyBlog forms, admins can use our form builder without depending on ACF or any metabox plugin.
    It will contain limited fields based on the suggestions from our community.

    Please do note that you can use these meta to query as you please.

    Thank you for the suggestions.

    1. Attaching field help:- Great idea. Will have it in next update.
    2. Thank you. This is planned. Infact, we are hoping to put a repeater too. This is just the beginign.
    3. You can already do that. Set the visibility to “Profile Owner” and that will do it.

    PS:- Please try removing custom slugs from the tabs and see if that works. I tired with post and page types. Will test with a custom type tomorrow.


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    Bruno Verrier on #31399

    Hello Brajesh,

    Thank you for your answers. Good to know for the repeater field type.
    Can you add a ‘save settings’ button at the top page tab settings too? (so you don’t have to scroll down all the page if you don’t have to).

    “Please try removing custom slugs from the tabs and see if that works.”
    Nope. Nothing changes. No tab dipslayed and 404 error.

    Thx Bruno

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24339
    Brajesh Singh on #31408

    Hi Bruno,
    Thank you for the reply.

    The settings button is intentional to force admin go through all of them before saving.

    Still, if you feel having a button at top may help, I will be doing that.

    I haven’t been able to register a post type and test it.. Can you please share me details about the post type you are using. How are you defining the post type?


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    Bruno Verrier on #31417

    Hello Brajesh,

    the post type were created with CPTUI.
    Your access is still granted if you want to have a look.

    I will have a deeper look this WE.

  • Participant
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    Bruno Verrier on #32189

    Hello Brajesh
    Hope you’re well.
    sorry for the late response but these times are complicated…

    Very good Job you made here!

    Well, I created a simple CPT and its taxonomies with CPTUI.
    I set up the CPT and the form. The CPT appears in the admin top menu OK (not in Buddypress user menu – May be I should use BuddyPress User Profile Tabs Creator Pro to do it?)

    When selecting my CPT menu options (all, new, draft) all are redirected to 404 page.
    I’ll give you credentials to see it.

    Q1: is there a special page when no cpt are created yet! Or a blank page with a message?

    Q2: how to manage taxonomies (hierachical and non-hierarchical) in the form?
    ie in my case user have to select 1 hierarchical taxonomie (category) and have the possibility to add as many tags as they want non-hierarchical (btw: is there a way to manage duplicate tags or have a list that displays tags already created)

    Thank you


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 11 months ago by Bruno Verrier.
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    Bruno Verrier on #32190
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  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24339
    Brajesh Singh on #32194

    Hi Bruno,
    Welcome back. I hope you and your loved ones are doping well.

    I had a look at the site and I do see the issue there. The only explanation seems that post types are registered after we are trying to setup BuddyPress nav.

    I will need to test with the CPTUI plugin to see if that is the case. Please allow me to post back in next 2 days.

    Thank you

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24339
    Brajesh Singh on #32316

    Hi Bruno,
    I had a look and the issue was as expected.

    The CPTUI registers post type on ‘init’ action with 10 priority while the bp_setup_nav is also called on the same but prior to CPTUI’s call.

    Due to this, The custom post types were not available when registering user nav. I changed the hook to init with lower priority for registering nav and it is working. I have updated it on your site too.


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