

Member Type Pro not setting member types with Memberpress anymore after update

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    Philip Strothmann on #25801

    Dear Brajesh,

    that’s unfortunate, but thanks for letting us know!

    Kind regards, Philip

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    SeattleGuy on #26340

    @sbrajesh Hope this finds you well. Circling back with you on this matter. Hope to hear back from you soon.

    All the best!

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24801
    Brajesh Singh on #26344

    I regret to inform that we have decided to abandon our integration with Memberpress dues to lack of time.

    Any update will need around 4-5 hours to install and understand memberpress to integrate. We are unable to spend that much time on this feature currently as it is not that important to the plugin.

    We also see a lot of issues in supporting memberpress. The plugin is not freely available and we do not see any way to keep updating our code with their updates. It is not a viable option for us.

    If you purchased it due to memberpress support, Please write us a mail and we will issue refund.

    Thank you

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    SeattleGuy on #26346

    That’s very disappointing to hear as you stated on October 8th (a month ago) that you would be working on this and providing an update after October 29th.

    Can you recommend any other plugins or developers that offer something similar?

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24801
    Brajesh Singh on #26347

    Yes, I did say I will post an update and this is the conclusive update that we won’t be supporting it in future.

    The problem is there are not many takers for this integration and it is not viable for us to spend time on it. The time needed is disproportionate to the demand for this integration.

    I am not aware of any plugin that supports member types with Memberpress.


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    Philip Strothmann on #26383

    Dear @sBrajesh,

    this is really disappointing, as it created a significant added value for the plugin. Also, given that Memberpress updates their plugin maybe 4-5 times a year, I don’t think your argument is entirely on point. The issue is more that the integration so far never really fully worked, so I feel that if you would actually make it work for good, it then also wouldn’t break anymore as the process you rely on, doesn’t change much in Memberpress itself. Did you ever reach out to the Memberpress guys? They might help you with the integration which could lead to a cross-promotion of both plugins!

    : One work-around is to use the User Roles Addon from Memberpress, which can be linked to Subscriptions. Then use Member Type Pro’s option to associate member types with member roles and it should continue to work for setting member types in the first place. This is how I did it before the integration was launched. The downside is that it doesn’t work as smoothly when you have memberships expire etc. But it’s better than nothing!

    Kind regards, Philip

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24801
    Brajesh Singh on #26384

    Hi Phillip,
    I am sorry to disappoint you on this. This integration is not economically viable for us.

    If there is a demand in future(say 20 members ask for the same), we will add it.

    The integration was an afterthought which did not seem to be correct from the beginning. We did it on the suggestion of a community member. The developer, who worked on integration is not available and If I need to work on it, it needs to be something that adds values.

    Currently, there is only one paid member(you) who have shown interest in this integration. I don’t see any way to continue the integration.

    Thank you

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    SeattleGuy on #26404

    Phillip – I agree. I am very disappointed with this turn of events.

    Brajesh – as I have mentioned to you over email, I am a member of a group of about a dozen webmasters that exclusively use Memberpress for their membership software. I volunteered to test your Member Types Pro plugin and report back to them with my thoughts.

    As Phillip mentioned above, I think there are many Memberpress users that would be keen to use your Member Types plugin. From the people that I have spoken with, they had no clue that Member Types might be able to integrate with Memberpress and were very excited to hear that you were going to add the integration.

    Frankly, I believe the customer demand is there. You just aren’t seeing it as no one has any idea that Member Types MIGHT be able to integrate with Memberpress.

    Phillip – thanks for the tip. I will give that a try.

  • Keymaster
    (BuddyDev Team)
    Posts: 24801
    Brajesh Singh on #26423

    Thank you for the feedback.

    Like I mentioned earlier, I have decided to abandon due to lack of commercial viability of this integration. If you feel strongly about it, You are welcome to sponsor the development time for this integration. I will be glad to have it back.

    Thank you

  • Participant
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    SeattleGuy on #26450

    @fslci Is there a way I can contact you outside of this forum? I tried your suggestion of using the Memberpress User Roles add-on with Member Types Pro but I can’t get it to work. The Memberpress User Roles add-on is assigning the correct user role to a new user but the Member Type Pro is not assigning the correct member type.

    Please let me know if I can email you. If you prefer to email me, please write me at 3515atownhouse @ gmail.com.

    Many thanks!

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