Your wish is my command 🙂
Coming tomorrow, same time, with one change. If you don’t mind, i will like to name that BP Birthday Widget instead.Hi Nauti,
Thank you for your mails and all your efforts to help so far.the problem lies with lack of an open API for foobox. The documents you pointed were for the events that get triggered after a lightbox is attached to the element.
I haven’t seen any example on how do we attach the foobox lightbox to custom elements.
Here is how I do it for Ligbox/colorbox plugin for Single gallery page
//this is the javascript code that I put in my theme’s document ready
if( jq.fn.colorbox != undefined ) { jq( ".mpp-single-gallery-media-list .mpp-item-thumbnail").colorbox({ rel:'gallery', href: function () { var url = jq(this).data('mpp-large-src'); return url; }}) ; }
and this is the php I put in my bp-custom.php
add_filter( 'mpp_media_html_attributes_pre', 'mpp_inject_colorbox' ); function mpp_inject_colorbox( $atts ) { $media = $atts['media']; if( ! $media ) { return $atts; } $atts['data-mpp-large-src'] = mpp_get_media_src('', $media ); return $atts; }
And this makes it work for this plugin single gallery pages.
So, to enable it for foobox, I need some access to their API. Like colorbox has great documentation here to answer why it does not work out of the box for all lightbox? The problem is MediaPress gallery contains media where each media have their own page. They don’t directly link to the media file. If they linked directly to the media file, most of the lightbox plugin will work out of the box. But in that case, we loose the commenting/view counting/rating etc many functionalities that are important for single media.
Can you please ask the developers of FooBox if they have some guide on how to integrate it with 3rd party plugin where the anchor does not link to actual media file. We can use data attributes though.
- Brajesh Singh on October 15, 2015 at 1:17 am in reply to: Don't want to allow members to edit even once in Non Editable Profile Fields #958
Thank you. I am sorry but that name sounded too much specific.I hope you don’t mind if I name it BuddyPress Readonly Profile you go do note that while logged in as admin, you will first need to mark a field as Readonly(from visibility drop down).
After that, the field will not be visible to users on their edit profile page.
PS: A side effect is when you are logged in as admin, you will see the “Readonly” visibility on all the fields of user. But setting it for any other field than what you marked in admin will not work. I have done that to save 1 query. If you want to have it on for any field, please let me know and I will enable that.
thank you
Brajesh - Brajesh Singh on October 15, 2015 at 12:59 am in reply to: [Resolved] BP Gallery seems to have stopped working #957
Hi George,
I have received your login details and will look into it in a couple of hours and get back to you.Thank you
Brajes Hi Hans,
Thank you. I noticed that that plugin is working except the fact that they are using PHP4 constructors causing WordPress to throw notices.If we plan to implement something similar, It will be easy and more efficient using the new custom field type option for date.
The only requirement I want to enforce is PHP 5.3+ .
Should we got for it? Also, I noticed the query performance for their listing is not great(looks for all fields) where it can be directly done with the date value instead.Hi Amaris,
Welcome to Buddydev Forums.Please Visit Dashboard->MediaPress->settings and check Members tab. Is Members tab configured you need to set the view and allowed gallery types/gallery status there.
If it is not saved and these are not visible, click “Save changes” and then revisit that tab. You can enable/disable these. after that, you should be able to create gallery.
Hope that helps.
- Brajesh Singh on October 14, 2015 at 2:56 am in reply to: [Resolved] Mediapress – New Gallery, type field, options not displaying. plugin incompat #948
Hi George,
Thank you for the message.It was not a plugin conflict. The new MediaPress has introduced per component status/types support. So, after installing the MediaPress, admin needs to visit settings-> check the components and save. Then visit settings->Component( e.g Members/groups) etc and enable/disable supported types.
You had it correctly installed but not configured. I just updated the settings. Please check if it is working. I am going to create a few video tutorials in upcoming days to make it easier.
Thank you
Brajesh - Brajesh Singh on October 14, 2015 at 2:30 am in reply to: [Resolved] Mediapress – edit gallery after creation #946
Thank you. Closing it as resolved now.
- Brajesh Singh on October 13, 2015 at 7:18 pm in reply to: [Resolved] Mediapress – New Gallery, type field, options not displaying. plugin incompat #945
Hi George,
There are too many plugins. Please PM me the admin details and I will look into the site. That will be much easier. Hey,
It was updated last April 2014.
No worries about the cost for BP Gallery anymore. Please drop me a mail via contact from and will send you a copy.PS: will be away for couple of hours, so will send a copy when back to my desk.