
Free Plugins

BuddyPress Simple Google Map

BuddyPress Simple Google Map plugin uses static google map api to add the Maps to groups. In the current version, I have only added support for group and I am…

BuddyPress Notifications Widget

Show a list of BuddyPress notifications Widget with the BuddyPress Notifications Widget. It enables site admins to use a widget to list all the BuddyPress notifications for the current user.…

BuddyPress Autologin on Activation

BuddyPress Autologin On Activation Plugin logs the users automatically when they activate their account on a BuddyPress based social Network. It's simple, works flawless with Standard WordPress as well as…

BuddyPress Username Changer

BudyPress Username Changer Plugin allows users to change their username(the name with which they login). It is simple and useful if you want to give your users the freedom to…

BuddyPress Live Notification

BuddyPress Live Notification plugins adds a facebook like notification system for your BuddyPress based social network. It shows the new notifications to the user in real time just like facebook…

WordPress S3 Slider Widget

WordPress S3 Slider Widget is a slideshow widget which allows you to showcase your posts in a nice slideshow. It uses the S3 slider*  jquery plugin with slight enhancement. A few…

BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier

BuddyPress Activity Comment Notifier plugin emulates the facebook style notification for the comments made on user updates. It will show the notification to a user in following scenario When a…

Blog Categories For Groups

Blog Categories For Groups

Blog Categories for Groups plugin allows you to associate one or more categories to a group and It will fetch and list all posts in those categories to group blog…

Limit Groups Per User

Limit Groups per user plugin for BuddyPress limits the number of group a user can create. Features:- Role based restriction for BuddyPress Group creation Role based limi(how many) for BuddyPress…