


  • Participant
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    Richard Foley on in reply to: [Resolved] buddyBlog formatting controls #19685

    Additionally, you can see on the screenshot, 2 red arrows. The first arrow shows where the media was supposed to go (with the blinking cursor as usual), and the second arrow shows where the html-img-src appeared after the media was inserted. There are no formatting controls of any kind to be seen, either on the text or on the media. Perhaps this gives a clue as to what is wrong?

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    hey Brajesh,

    this may have been simply “my bad” as I think I was surprised by being sent to the backend to edit instead of the frontend. Hence a relatively simple case of user-confusion. It’s all good at this end, as one would expect 🙂

    Apologies for wasting your time.


  • Participant
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    ok, your image looks exactly as expected, maybe it’s a local conflict. I’ll investigate further (and close this). Many thanks for your prompt feedback!

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    Richard Foley on in reply to: [Resolved] Moderation tools support for posts? #18236

    hi Brajesh,

    first feedback is that the moderation for blog posts support looks very good. It’ll take a bit more time “in the wild” to know how it’s really working though. I’ll feedback here when I have something. For the moment, great and closing! (y)


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    Richard Foley on in reply to: [Resolved] Moderation tools support for posts? #18216

    hi Brajesh,

    this is excellent. Wilco, and will feedback ASAP. (might take me also a short while…)


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    Richard Foley on in reply to: no link on buddyPress notifications widget title #18112

    and while I’m at it, I’d like to suggest that you provide a shortcode option, or similar, so that it’s easy to place anywhere on the site, rather than just in the widget areas. Not sure how easy/practical that is, but it would certainly be useful.


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    Richard Foley on in reply to: no link on buddyPress notifications widget title #18111

    hi Brajesh,

    update: I fixed this by modifying the file directly core/class-bp-notification-widget.php.

                    if ( ! empty( $instance['show_count'] ) && ( $count> 0 || empty( $instance['show_list'] ) ) ) {
    +                       $link = trailingslashit( bp_loggedin_user_domain( ) .  bp_get_notifications_slug() );
    +                       echo '<a href="' . $link . '">';
                            printf( __( 'You have %d new notifications', 'buddypress-notifications-widget' ), $count );
    +                       echo "</a>";

    Obviously this is a fudge for my case and it would be better integrated at your end. I also think it would be better if this was an “option” in the settings page, *or* default behaviour. The option would be best, if a little more work for you, of course 🙂



  • Participant
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    Richard Foley on in reply to: [Resolved] Moderation tools support for posts? #18072

    hi Brajesh,

    great to hear that, no rush and testing is good! 🙂


  • Participant
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    Richard Foley on in reply to: [Resolved] Moderation tools support for posts? #17957

    hi Brajesh,

    great news, I look forward to getting my paws on the blog support!


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Richard Foley.
  • Participant
    Level: Master
    Posts: 279

    Got it, it’s a combination of the standard activity filters and a somewhat non-intuitive stream handling, where the comment on the blog sits with the blog (from last week), and therefore doesn’t appear at the top of the stream anymore.


    Fixed. 🙂