
Introducing Bp Mag Classic: A Bp Mag child Theme with vertical nav for your BuddyPress Based Sites

BP Mag classic is a premium theme for BuddyPress based sites. It is built over the solid framework of BP Mag. So, by default, it inherits all the benefits of BP Mag Framework. Bp Mag Classic theme brings back the vertical navigation for BuddyPress components(For example profile/groups/achievements/events/Links etc) I guess, the best way to show …

Enhancing The new User registration Message On WordPress Multisite and BuddyPress to make it more informative for Site Admins

When a new User registers on a wordPress multisite/BuddyPress based site, the site admin gets a mail(of course if you have not disabled it in the options) and that mail is pretty useless, because it gives you the ip address and the username but nothing else. As a Site Admin, I am always curious to …

WordPress S3 Slider Widget

WordPress S3 Slider Widget is a slideshow widget which allows you to showcase your posts in a nice looking slideshow. It uses the S3 slider jquery plugin with slight enhancement. I am sure you all are familiar with most of the slideshow plugins and must be thinking why I am putting another one. Well, there …